Friday, February 6, 2009

One thing I really dislike about this is that you can't edit comments and that there is no way (at least that I've found thus far) that allows one to insert links in comment replies. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.

Anyway, that's not the point of this point. In response to Dr. Logan's first comment, I'm posting these links of an "on-line" book and associated art I played a part in creating. I came up with the concept and, about six years ago, found a few other guys through my website to create The Gates of Hell.

Dicefreaks is an on-line site dedicated to role-playing games (D&D in particular) created by me and a good friend of mine, Tim Moore. For me, though, the site was (and remains) a vehicle for my writing and the continued creation of my mythopoeic environment. The Gates of Hell and a couple of subsequent concepts (which have, thus far, not be completed) were side projects embraced by the community. Alas, I've not worked much on any of this stuff for about a year now, but the site has survived despite my relative lack of presence. Feel free to peruse if you're so inclined. We have many talented (and some not so talented) folks there. My moniker is, creatively enough, "The Serge."


Lisa M. Logan, Ph.D. said...

What is the "endgame" in the role-playing game with all of the lords? Online gaming is a mystery to me. LML

Serge said...

The "endgame" depends upon the game master's story and the goals of the participating players. Some will want to join with Hell, others to defeat it, other's to cause chaos, and so forth.